Terms of use and site information

Welcome, dear visitor to jobsatco - Jobsatco website, by using this website, you agree to be bound by and abide by all the following terms and conditions, so please read these terms carefully, and if you do not agree to these terms, you should not look at the information available on the website.

jobsatco website, is a website to follow up and publish vacancies in all disciplines in the Gulf countries and Egypt. or private sector jobs.
The use of this website in any way is conclusive evidence of the user's agreement to this agreement. For any reason, the latest terms of use can be viewed at any time on this page.
All resources, news and jobs on this site are presented as they are from its official sources without any guarantees. Your use of the site and its services or your submission of one of the jobs on it is at your own risk only. The site management is not committed to any responsibility or compensation for any errors resulting from your use of the site or one of its services or Its contents, and we also disclaim responsibility for any contracts or agreements made independently between users of the site or any other party.

Jobsatco provides the ability to comment on the content posted on it and you, as well as all users, have the right to participate in the comment, provided that you do not publish any content that may be harmful, illegal, defamatory, infringing, abusive, inciting, dirty, harassing or the like.

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It is preferable to mention your personal name when commenting on the site and you can use a pseudonym, but it is never allowed to impersonate any person or body. It is also preferable to mention your real email when commenting. The site administration is committed not to use this mail in any activity except for personal correspondence and is committed not to deliver your mail to Any third party without your prior permission You must not modify or adapt the Site nor use it in unlawful ways or in any other ways that could damage or disrupt the Site.

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jobsatco records some data about your browsing on the site through cookies, such as browser type, operating system, IP number, etc... The purpose of collecting this data is to improve the level of service, the site has the right to share this data with a third party without linking Between this data and your personal identity, and to learn more about the data we record and how to share it with a third party in order to improve the quality of service, you can view the site’s privacy policy from here .

All the terms and contents of this agreement are subject to change and development from time to time as the administration deems appropriate for the purpose of the site, so we kindly ask you to review it and abide by it.

Jobsatco website has no relationship or association with any government or private employer, and the site is not responsible for any agreements that take place between its followers, and the site does not ask you for any data, and if someone contacts you and claims that it is from jobsatco, please contact us Via the " Contact Us " page.

Posting advertisements for products or services and sponsored links does not mean that the site administration endorses them, and we do not provide any quality guarantees regarding them.

We are not responsible for the damages that may result from the lack of proper use of the site or the application to fill one of the jobs that may be offered on the site.

Your use and browsing of the site means that you fully agree to all the terms on this page. If you do not agree to the terms on this page, you are not allowed to browse the site and view its contents and you must stop using it now.